1) The palpatory methods in this style of acupuncture offer the practitioner an instant measure as to the diagnosis and the effectiveness of the treatment choices. Both the acupuncturist and the patient have instant feedback as to how well the treatment is working because once a point combination is selected and treated, the reflection zones that were used for diagnosis are less painful.
2) This Style acupuncture combines classical Chinese medical principles with modern pathophysiology in a way that facilitates the understanding and brings out the best in both.
3) Within the treatment methods used in this style of acupuncture, there is a technique suitable for any patient. As a rule the needling methods are shallow and virtually painless, using the smallest gauge needles. However, for the patient who needling is contraindicated, there are numerous non-invasive techniques that are highly effective. The use of diodes, magnets, Lasers and other techniques give the practitioner many options with which to treat the most difficult patient.
About Palpation Based Acupuncture
1) This style of acupuncture, utilizes a systematic, easy to learn, palpatory method which is designed to provide instant feedback. When using this system, a practitioner follows a palpation sequence which, both establishes a diagnosis and suggests several treatment options which might be effective for treating a particular patient.
2) This style of acupuncture is largely defined by its use of a highly systematized method of palpation. Palpation is the ability to gain information through touch. This method evolved to an extraordinary level of sophistication in Japanese acupuncture for a very unusual reason. Since as early as the Edo Period (1602-1868) Japanese acupuncture was a profession practiced largely by the blind. This fact carries through to the present day in that one of the primary influences in the development of “palpation Based Acupuncture” acupuncture comes from Master Nagano who was a blind acupuncturist. Once learned, palpation becomes an easy to use method for obtaining instant feedback as to the patient’s condition of health. The diagnosis and treatment strategies follow one another in one circular motion. Specific active reflexes suggest the diagnosis and the treatment efficacy be established by changes in the same reflexes.
3) This style addresses the patient’s health issues from several levels. By looking more deeply into the structural and or constitutional imbalances, which often underlie a patient’s symptomatic complaints, the practitioner is able to assist in a more complete and lasting healing. It is precisely this holistic approach which gives a ““palpation Based Acupuncture” practitioner the ability to help patients with the most complex issues. Often by seeing the patient’s problem from this broader perspective, the practitioner can solve difficult cases.
4) The practitioner using this style of acupuncture is part of a living tradition. The teachings of this system come directly from first-hand experience gained from some of Japan’s greatest acupuncturists. A living system of acupuncture must by definition reflect the changing needs of the time in which it is practiced and incorporate the technological improvements at it’s disposal. A living system is also continuously learning and deepening its understanding to provide a more complete treatment strategy and clinical results. The diagnostic and treatment methods being taught in this system accurately represent the clinical experience of some of Japan’s most respected master acupuncturists.
5) The eclectic nature of a palpation based style of acupuncture gives the practitioner a wide number of viable options from which to choose to create an effective treatment plan that addresses the individual needs of each patient. This style of acupuncture is imminently suited to the diverse needs of our patient population.